Inteligentni sustav za transport putnika

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija u okviru Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj

Naziv projekta: Inteligentni sustav za transport putnika

Kratak opis projekta: Problem koji se ovim projektom adresira je optimizacija transfera putnika koja za posljedicu ima bolju upravljivost mobilnošću ljudi. Prakse pokazuju da danas na globalnom tržištu agencije i posrednici organiziraju i naručuju prijevoz za razne skupine korisnika te su stoga ciljane skupine za adresiranje problema turoperatori s vlastitom i unajmljenom flotom vozila, autobusni prijevoznici i autoprijevoznici, turoperatori koji naručuju usluge prijevoza od svojih dobavljača, te u konačnici i putnici.

Ciljevi projekta: Cilj ovog projekta je izraditi software koji će upotrebom inteligentnog algoritma optimizirati transport putnika. Optimizacija transporta putnika bi u konačnici trebala rezultirati značajnim uštedama kroz smanjenje broja transportnih operacija svih aktera na globalnom tržištu, čime će se posredno smanjiti broj ljudi koji sudjeluje u planiranju operacija, kroz smanjenje broja vozača i broja vozila te kroz smanjenje same potrošnje goriva, koja značajno utječe na okoliš. Ovaj projekt te rezultati ovog projekta će potaknuti na daljnje razmišljanje Lemax-a ka razvoju sličnih modela baziranih na inteligentnim algoritmima.

Očekivani rezultati projekta: Na kraju projekta očekuje se imati razvijeno softwaresko rješenje koje će u potpunosti biti integrirano s operativnim hardverskim i softwareskim sustavom. Također, očekuje se da će do kraja projekta sve funkcionalnosti biti uspješno demonstrirane u simuliranom operativnom scenariju uz odgovarajuće provjere i potvrde. 

Ukupna vrijednost projekta: HRK 55.808.485.57 (€ 7.407.058,94)

Iznos sufinanciran od EU: HRK 21.605.493,36 (€ 2.867.841,76) 

Razdoblje provedbe projekta: studeni 2020. – rujan 2023.

Kontakt osoba za više informacija: 

Mate Kostovski

Lemax d.o.o.

Remetinečka cesta 139

10000 ZAGREB


Više informacija na:

Rezultati projekta na stvarnim primjerima

Intelligent Passenger Transportation System

The project was co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund

Project: Intelligent Passenger Transportation System

Short description of the project: The problem addressed by this project is the optimization of passenger transfers, which results in better mobility management. Practices show that today, agencies and intermediaries on the global market organize and order transport for various groups of users, making targeted groups for addressing the problem tour operators with their own and leased vehicle fleet, bus carriers and car providers, tour operators who order transport services from their suppliers, and ultimately passengers.

Project objectives: The goal of this project is to develop software that will optimize passenger transportation using an intelligent algorithm. Optimization of passenger transport should ultimately result in significant savings by reducing the number of transport operations of all actors in the global market, indirectly reducing the number of people involved in operation planning, reducing the number of drivers and vehicles, and reducing fuel consumption, which significantly affects the environment. This project and the results of this project will encourage Lemax to further develop similar models based on intelligent algorithms.

Expected project results: At the end of the project, it is expected to have a developed software solution that will be fully integrated with the operational hardware and software system. Also, by the end of the project, all functionalities are expected to be successfully demonstrated in a simulated operational scenario with appropriate checks and confirmations.

Total project value: HRK 55.808.485.57 (€ 7.407.058,94)

Amount co-financed by the EU: HRK 21.605.493,36 (€ 2.867.841,76) 

Project implementation period: November 2020 – September 2023

Contact person for more information: 

Mate Kostovski

Lemax d.o.o.

Remetinečka cesta 139

10000 ZAGREB


More information available at:

Project Results on Real-life Examples

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