EU projects

Inteligentni sustav za transport putnika

Problem koji se ovim projektom adresira je optimizacija transfera putnika koja za posljedicu ima bolju upravljivost mobilnošću ljudi. Prakse pokazuju da danas na globalnom tržištu agencije i posrednici organiziraju i naručuju prijevoz za razne skupine korisnika te su stoga ciljane skupine za adresiranje problema turoperatori s vlastitom i unajmljenom flotom vozila, autobusni prijevoznici i autoprijevoznici, turoperatori koji naručuju usluge prijevoza od svojih dobavljača, te u konačnici i putnici.

Digitalizacija i povezivanje lanca dobavljača i krajnjih potrošača u segmentu višednevnih tura

Glavni problem koji se ovim projektom želi riješiti je nedovoljna otpornost poduzeća Lemax d.o.o., Elite Travel d. o. o. i Entrio Tehnologije d.o.o. u ekosustavu turizma i ekosustavima u lancu vrijednosti turizma. Projekt Digitalizacija i povezivanje lanca dobavljača i krajnjih potrošača u segmentu
višednevnih tura sa svojim aktivnostima značajno utječe na povećanje otpornosti tvrtki, te na povećanje njihove konkurentnosti u sektoru turizma.

Lemax ISO certifications

The introduction of ISO standards at Lemax d.o.o. directly addresses the problems of Lemax’s lack of competitiveness in the market caused by deficiencies in the organization of business processes and quality standards within the company.

Through the project “Implemenation of ISO standards at Lemax d.o.o.”, the company introduced and certified the following ISO standards: ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 – IT Services Management, ISO 27001:2013 – Information Technologies – Information security management systems, and ISO/IEC 9001:2015 – Quality Management System. By introducing these standards, the company implemented an effective product-oriented quality management system (ISO/IEC 9001:2015), and has also established a standardized system that includes the development, delivery and enhancement of services to meet expected requirements (ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011), as well as a system for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a documented information security management system (ISO 27001:2013).

Internationalization of Lemax d.o.o.

The main problem addressed by this project is the lack of competitiveness of Lemax in the foreign market of software solutions for the business of travel agencies and tour operators, caused primarily by a weak presence on foreign markets.

The main activities of the project are appearances and exhibitions at the most prominent fairs in the tourism/technology sector, where the company will present an innovative booking system for travel agencies – Lemax software, that helps fully automate the processes of travel agencies and tour operator businesses.