Company type:Tour Operator
Company location:Denmark
One of the most important things is that I feel confident about data and its consistency, making me sleep sound at night. I think that there won’t be a limit where we can take our company with Lemax.

Challenge: needed a system to support their growth, eliminate mistakes, and sum up all the data
ClassicGolf was established in 2009, and they focus on the high-end golf travel market. We talked to Marc Limschou, the Managing Director of ClassicGolf.
The search for core software started more than five years ago. The company was growing at 20% year after year, and they were aware they needed a system to support the growth. Their system they had at the time could not support their processes, which started to strain their employees significantly.
- They had to handle all the contracts, track payments, issue invoices, create the outgoing documents manually and without standardization and visual identity, which led to errors that were, in the end, costly for ClassicGolf.
- As Marc puts it, they needed to have the data at their fingertips to support the business’ scaling.
Solution and impact: standardized documentation, unified data, eliminated errors – a positive impact on revenue and cash flow
When selecting their software provider in the second round, they needed to be convinced that the chosen vendor would grow together with their company and that the product is flexible enough to support their niche, i.e., golf vacations.
Lemax’s sales approach and vast knowledge of the industry, and the possibilities our software offers were the key factors that made ClassicGolf swing our way.
Marc pointed out several significant values he sees using Lemax:
- They finally have standardized documents in line with their brand, without taking a long time to produce them – it happens with a click of a button.
- Marc pointed out how he can sleep at night now that he’s confident about the data he gets from Lemax. It allows them to be consistent and streamline the internal processes more efficiently.
- With the old way of work, they manually made all the offers, invoicing, and payments. That meant that they were making errors when calculating prices or paying certain suppliers more than once. They stopped losing money on such mistakes, directly impacting their revenue and cash flow.