Why you must start your travel business blog today!

Blogging is a great way to capture visitors coming back to your travel site and make a strong brand image. Here are top reasons why you should start your travel business blog today!

1. SEO / Brings you traffic

Every time you write a blog post, it’s one more indexed page on your website. Every new indexed page is one more opportunity for you to show up in search engines, and drive traffic to your website through organic search. It’s also one more cue to Google and other search engines that your website is active. Using keywords in your blog posts get you higher ranking when tourists search for that specific keyword (it can be a phrase as well).

Blogging brings traffic

2. Customers’ feedback

With blogging, your customers can leave their comments and give you their opinion on some subject. This way, you can make your offer better, make better customer care and collect ideas! Negative comments are also OK, don’t be afraid. People love seeing interactions.

3. You become a valuable source

Blog creates a place to talk about your new travel products and comment on news topics. It’s also the place let your brand’s personality shine and show people what you’re all about.
Providing relevant information and knowledge gives tourists the perception you’re a company that knows its business and is an expert in its field. You seem more reliable and trustworthy than others that don’t blog.

valuable source

4. Long-term strategy

After you publish a blog post, it is ranking in search engines for days, weeks, months, and years to come, so you can continue to get traffic and leads from that blog post. A few hours of effort today can turn into thousands of views in the future.
Also, once someone visits your site, you will encourage them to keep returning for new blog content, and engaging them in a community around your brand.

5. More leads and potential customers

A blog helps to capture new visitors (and potentially new customers!) by continuously adding new content around different topics you write about. Also, it’s an opportunity to collect email addresses from your target market willingly.

Blog subscription

6. Customer care policy

By giving a personalized approach you are humanizing your company. The voice of your employees has personality and people feel you are trustworthy. With useful advice, you also ensure the customer care policy rule – “treat your customer the way you would like to be treated”.

With blogging, it’s obvious to your audience that you are making an effort to make their experience complete and they will appreciate it for sure. So, start today!

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