Star Turist travel website gets a makeover

The new website of the Star Turist travel agency has been launched. Please visit to see the changes and the fresh new look, guaranteed to provide a better user experience for anyone browsing.

Star Turist is a travel agency from Croatia situated in the city of Karlovac. Its offer includes both incoming products, such as various hotels and resorts in Croatia, especially on the Adriatic coast, as well as a wide variety of outgoing trips and tours including distant travels, European travels, cruises and more. Star Turist has been using Lemax Software for about five years now, and back then they started with Lemax for running the back office of their agency, and later ordered a website which was designed by the Lemax team and used to look like this:

Star Turist travel agency - old web design

However, as we all know, five years is quite a long time, and just as you would paint your living room every five years or change some old furniture, it was time to give the website a makeover… So, in cooperation with Star Turist and their very useful ideas and tips our designers got to work and a new site design has been born. We hope that people like the new look and feel of the website and that it helps the Star Turist travel agency a lot in their work. You can get a glimpse of what the new site looks like below, but we really suggest you visit

Star Turist travel agency - new web design